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                    ? item.variation.media.alt_translations
                    : item.product.cover_media.alt_translations) | translateModel
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{{ 'product.buyandget.label' | translate }}
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{{ 'product.set.open_variation' | translate }}
  • {{ getSelectedItemDetail(selectedChildProduct, item).childProductName }} x {{ selectedChildProduct.quantity || 1 }}

    {{ getSelectedItemDetail(selectedChildProduct, item).childVariationName }}

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Chemical Guys VLine Starter Kit

Chemical Guys VLine Starter Kit

V32 Optical Grade Extreme Compound 究極強力粗蠟 x 1
V34 Optical Grade Hybrid Compound 至尊粗蠟 x 1
V36 Optical Cut Polish 至尊拋光蠟 x 1
V38 Optical Final Polish 精細拋光蠟 x 1



{{shoplineProductReview.avg_score}} {{'product.product_review.stars' | translate}} | {{shoplineProductReview.total}} {{'product.product_review.reviews' | translate}}
{{amazonProductReview.avg_rating}} {{'product.product_review.stars' | translate}} | {{amazonProductReview.total_comment_count}} {{'product.product_review.reviews' | translate}}
數量 組合數量

以優惠價加購商品 (最多 {{ addItemQuantity }} 件)

ETECCO - 微纖維抹布(40cm x 40cm)-原價$25
優惠價 HK$15.00

SONAX 打蠟拋光海綿 (原價$23)
優惠價 HK$18.00

GTechniq AP3 Soft Foam Applicator 施工海綿 (原價$30)
優惠價 HK$23.00

優惠價 HK$8.00

GTechniq MF1 ZeroR Microfibre Buff Cloth-原價$33
優惠價 HK$23.00


一次最大商品購買數量限制為 99999



{{'products.quick_cart.out_of_number_hint'| translate}}

{{'product.preorder_limit.hint'| translate}}

每筆訂單限購 {{ product.max_order_quantity }} 件

現庫存只剩下 {{ quantityOfStock }} 件

V32 Optical Grade Extreme Compound 究極強力粗蠟

不含任何填補成份,真正 The Result You See,The Result You Get!!

強度: 極強

Removes heavy swirls, scratches, oxidation, and paint defects 消除重度太陽紋,划痕,氧化和車漆缺陷
Creates a superior base for final polishing and refinement 為最終拋光和精製創造出優越的基礎
Engineered for advanced scratch-resistant and ceramic clear coats 專為高級防刮和陶瓷透明塗層而設計
Optical grade micro-abrasive technology for enhanced clarity and precision 光學級微磨技術,提高清晰度和精度
Formulated without fillers; the results you see are the results you get 配方不含填料; 你看到的結果就是你得到的結果
Removes 1200-1500 grit sanding scratches 去除1200-1500度砂礫打磨划痕
Designed for use with DA and rotary polishers 能用於 Dual Action 和旋轉拋光機

V34 Optical Grade Hybrid Compound 至尊粗蠟

不含任何填補成份,真正 The Result You See,The Result You Get!!

強度: 中至強

Removes heavy swirls, scratches, oxidation, and paint defects 消除中度太陽紋,划痕,氧化和車漆缺陷
Creates a superior base for final polishing and refinement 為最終拋光和精製創造出優越的基礎
Engineered for advanced scratch-resistant and ceramic clear coats 專為高級防刮和陶瓷透明塗層而設計
Optical grade micro-abrasive technology for enhanced clarity and precision 光學級微磨技術,提高清晰度和精度
Formulated without fillers; the results you see are the results you get 配方不含填料; 你看到的結果就是你得到的結果
Removes 1500-2000 grit sanding scratches 去除1500-2000度砂礫打磨划痕
Designed for use with DA and rotary polishers 能用於 Dual Action 和旋轉拋光機

V36 Optical Cut Polish 至尊拋光蠟

不含任何填補成份,真正 The Result You See,The Result You Get!!

強度: 中至輕

Removes light to moderate swirls, scratches, oxidation, and paint defects 去除輕到中度太陽紋,划痕,氧化和車漆缺陷
Works as a one-step polish or creates a superior base for final polishing 可作為一步拋光或為最終拋光創造出優質的基礎
Fine balance of cutting and finishing power across many paint types and finishes 於不同車漆上在研磨及提高亮度上作出了良好的平衡
Optical grade micro-abrasive technology for enhanced clarity and precision 光學級微磨技術,提高清晰度和精度
Formulated without fillers; the results you see are the results you get 配方不含填料; 你看到的結果就是你得到的結果
Removes 2000-2500 grit sanding scratches 去除2000-2500度砂礫打磨划痕
Designed for use with DA and rotary polishers 能用於 Dual Action 和旋轉拋光機

V38 Optical Final Polish 精細拋光蠟

不含任何填補成份,真正 The Result You See,The Result You Get!!

強度: 精細

Ultra-refined final polish 超精製的最終拋光
Finishes paint to perfection following compounding and polishing steps 用於粗蠟和拋光步驟後,以違成車漆的完美
Enhances gloss, depth, and reflection 增強光澤,深度和反射
Removes light defects, scratches, and holograms 消輕微缺陷,划痕
Delivers superior optical results; no fillers, no hiding blemishes 提供卓越的光學視覺效果; 沒有填充物,沒有隱藏的瑕疵
Removes 2500-3000 grit wet sand marks 去除2500-3000度砂礫打磨划痕



  • 本地送貨($50)
  • 順便智能櫃取件
  • 順豐服務中心取件
  • 順豐站取件
  • 辦公室/住宅地址直送 (經順豐速運)
  • OK便利店取件 (經順豐速運)
  • 7-11便利店取件 (經順豐速運)
  • 火炭自取(免運費)
  • 台灣到付
  • 順豐寄澳門 (運費到付)


  • 信用卡
  • Apple Pay
  • Google Pay
  • Payme
  • 轉數快
  • 支付寶 (HK)
  • 支付宝 (中国)
  • 微信支付
  • 貨到付款(只適用本地送貨)
  • 門店付現金(只適用火炭自取)
{{'product.product_review.no_review' | translate}}